
Timer component

The Timer component provides a way to start and stop timers. It also provides a way to log the time between two events, attach it to tasks, and more.

Global timer (in the navbar) is configured in MmoProLayout.jsx.

Socket events

This app uses to communicate with the server. The main idea behind Socket.IO is that you can send and receive any events you want, with any data you want. Any objects that can be encoded as JSON will do, and binary data is supported too.

Please refer to the Socket.IO documentation (opens in a new tab) for more information.

When the application is initialize the users enters the room host-[HOST-NAME]:user-[USER-ID] and the server sends the future events to this room.

The following events are used:

Timer related events

  • timer:start - Start the timer
  • timer:stop - Stop the timer
  • timer:reset - Reset the timer
  • timer:log - Log the time between two events
  • timer:attach - Attach the timer to a task
  • timer:detach - Detach the timer from a task

Task related events

  • task:created - Task created
  • task:completed - Task completed
  • task:reopened - Task reopened
  • task:updated - Task updated
  • task:deleted - Task deleted
  • task:reorder - Reorder tasks
  • task:view - View task (for displaying other task viewers)
  • task:assign - Assign task to a user
  • task:unassign - Unassign task from a user
  • task:comment - Comment on a task
  • task:comment:delete - Delete a comment on a task
  • task:comment:edit - Edit a comment on a task
  • task:attachment:delete - Delete an attachment on a task
  • task:attachment:edit - Edit an attachment on a task
  • task:attachment:upload - Upload an attachment on a task
  • task:attachment:download - Download an attachment on a task

Project related events

  • project:updated - Project updated
  • project:deleted - Project deleted
  • project:created - Project created
  • project:members:updated - Project members updated
  • project:members:deleted - Project members deleted
  • project:members:added - Project members added
  • project:owner:updated - Project owner updated
  • project:status:updated - Project status updated


Timer start

  "event": "timer:start",
  "data": {
    "name": "timer name",
    "time": 1234567890

Timer stop

  "event": "timer:stop",
  "data": {
    "name": "timer name",
    "time": 1234567890

Timer reset

  "event": "timer:reset",
  "data": {
    "name": "timer name",
    "time": 1234567890

Timer log

  "event": "timer:log",
  "data": {
    "name": "timer name",
    "time": 1234567890

Start timer

// Future state
// <Timer start={true} />
import { getCurrentTimeZone } from "@/utils/common";
import { nowFormatted } from "@/utils/dateTime/dateTimeUtils";
  type: "timer/startTimer",
  payload: {
    from: nowFormatted(), // start time
    status: "START", // START, STOP, PAUSE
    task: {
      // optional
      id: taskId,
    project: {
      // optional
      id: task?.project?.id,
    description: "", // description
    comment: "", // comment
    workLogId: alreadyRunningTask.timeLogId,
    reqFromGlobalHeader: true,
    billable: false, // true, false
    client: {
      // optional
      id: task?.client?.id,

Stop timer

// Future state
// <Timer start={true} />
import { getCurrentTimeZone } from "@/utils/common";
import { nowFormatted } from "@/utils/dateTime/dateTimeUtils";
  type: "timer/startTimer", // TODO: change to stopTimer
  payload: {
    to: nowFormatted(), // end time
    status: "STOP", // START, STOP, PAUSE
    description: "", // description
    task: {
      // optional
      id: taskId,
    comment: "", // comment
    calendarEvent: {
      name: "Meeting with John",
      description: "Discuss the new project",
      participants: [
          id: "123",
          id: "456",
      inviteParticipants: false, // if true, invite participants to the calendar event