Visual Studio Code Snippets for MMO
Lists down all available snippets as part of this project. All snippets have a mtd- prefix so you can start typing that to bring up available snippets
Snippet generator
Use the below cool tool to generate snippets for vsCode. (opens in a new tab)
Once generated, paste the snippet into .vscode/ui.code-snippets
Make sure to update the entry table below as well.
API Reference
Get all items
Short code | Description | Author | Date Added | Date Modified |
mtd-page-new | Create a new page boilerplate code. This will render a page title, breadcrumbs, primary/secondary actions | @ermandeepsidhu | Dec 2023 | Dec 2023 |
mtd-page-title | To set the document title (HTML Head.title) | @ermandeepsidhu | Dec 2023 | Dec 2023 |
mtd-new-component | Create a new reusable component | |||
mtd-ui-new-page-settings | Create a new settings page with boilerplate code | |||
mtd-ui-modal-new | Create a new modal boilerplate code | |||
mtd-ui-modal-delete-confirmation | Create a new delete confirmation modal boilerplate code | |||
mtd-ui-layout-annotated | Create a new Layout with annotated section |